Not A ''Sinner''

I don't like the word ''sinner'' or the concept of ''sin''. It implants the false idea that we are not loved as we are, and perpetuates a cycle of not feeling good enough, which leads us to a feeling of disconnection from our essence. When we feel disconnected within, we tend to seek filling the void, often with lower-vibrational tendencies, patterns and behaviors. It's a vicious cycle.

What about learning and practicing Self-Love instead, in the midst of our various aspects? Why not simply being yourself and making your genuine and best effort to be kind with yourself and others on a daily basis? How much better would your life get if you stopped thinking that you are flawed and in need of repair? When you make the conscious choice to accept yourself, you still can make positive changes as you see fit, but it will come from a place of already loving yourself, instead of doing it to fit a certain mould, or to meet expectations of conditional love.

The fact of the matter is that we are unconditionally loved by our Creator and Unconditional Love is what we are. We just forgot it temporarily for the purpose of learning lessons on this planet.

I have observed that changing for the better, is something that happens when we are in the flow of Life. It's like a natural effect of being in acceptance and comfortable with who we are and our various aspects. It is less about forcing anything, because forcing something to happen is a vibration of resistance - an opposition to the vibration of healing.

Acceptance of who we are clears guilt, shame and various other lower frequencies, thoughts and emotions that tie us up in dependance. Acceptance of who we are is a key unlocking the prison, so that our new found Freedom enables us to live by choice and not by chance or default. It helps us to feel more satisfied in our lives.

We think that we must ''rebuke'' the enemy, but I believe that what we are fighting against comes from within. In other words, I believe that our ''demons'' are self-reflections and that the more we can learn to cradle our various parts, the more whole, balanced and at peace we will feel.

Resist the urge of judging everything you see and feel, and live more from the stillness of your Soul.

(C) 2016 Vincent Alexandre

Image by: Okan Caliskan (Activedia),