The Next Big Step to Your Evolution is the Balancing of Your Sexual Energies

''The next big step to your evolution is the balancing of your sexual energies''...

One day, I heard that sentence in my mind and I thought: ''That's not crazy at all...''

We live in a time and space where we have lost the true meaning of sexuality. We have forgotten the sacredness of this act and have traded it for nothing more than ''fast food''. I once read somewhere : «With sex becoming easier to get, love is harder to find» or something along those lines. How it resonated with my heart... Sexuality is natural, desire is natural, but when we are not balanced within, we do not express them in a healthy way in our lives.

The truth is, with so many choices on the ''menu'', we experience quantity at the detriment of quality. From dating websites, to dating apps, to pornography and sex chatrooms, we are only two clicks away from a dependance that starts innocently in the comfort of our homes. But where does this ''pull'' to darkness comes from?

Let's go back to our childhood, to the first time where our parents invalidated us in some way. It might have been a big or a smaller thing and in most cases, they didn't even mean to do harm, they did the absolute best they could at that time. Yet, as children, pure beings of light with hearts so wide, we got confused and memorized the hurt of this abandonment. A wound was created and started to feed off from more pain. Later, maybe we got excluded or laughed at by other students or by a teacher in high school, for example.

It's also around that same time that we started to discover our body, our sexuality and how good it felt to escape through an orgasm for a couple of seconds – a feeling of exhilaration and pure bliss and a reminiscence of unconditional love. However, as the cycle of victimization continued on a personal level, and the wound got deeper, something strange happened in our chemistry and a connection was made. We got hooked to the rush of getting hurt, sexually and emotionally. It validated the false belief we held about ourselves of ''not being good enough''. A five-second orgasm for a lifetime of pain, a thrill stronger than cocaine.

The fantasies got wilder, to the point where they were almost insatiable. And what was hiding behind it? The root cause of it all? It was that wound. And it's the same thing for those who victimize others sexually. It's the same wound expressed differently. 

But what are we truly seeking in those meaningless interactions? To escape the pain by inflicting more pain, either to ourselves or others, because it's the only way we have known to love and to be loved, when in the end, all that we want is to feel accepted. A kind of love that we can only give to ourselves and that will eventually heal the wounding. Yet, the irony is that we keep fishing for the attention of somebody else and it perpetuates the cycle of suffering.

What will you do to love and honor yourself today? The next big step to your evolution is the balancing of sexual energies. Remember that. Take that first step that will lead you to the fulfilment of your destiny.

Text © 2016 Vincent Alexandre

Image © Can Stock Photo Inc. / Wisky

From Stains to Artistry

You - yes you. In case you are still beating yourself up over the last mistake you made, I want to remind you to stop being so harsh on yourself. Yes, you are a human being and yes, your attempts at something new aren't always a success. A beautiful tragedy isn't it?

The human adventure is so vast and rich. We get to experience the two polarities of existence to whichever extent is required for our Soul's growth. But when you find
yourself in a black pit of self-sabotaging thoughts because of the could, should and would have beens, try to reflect upon this...

You wrote the big book of your life before coming here on Earth and you still hold the pen as you experience your story in the physical realm. Although the paragraphs may differ from the original plan based on your actions, the chapters cannot be altered. Those chapters represent your lessons to be learned, the soul agreements you've made with others and the life missions you've agreed to take on. 

Don't be so critical of yourself when you scribble in the margins a little bit. Amend yourself where you can, forgive yourself and others and love the experience profoundly, for this is how you transform stains into artistry. The pages will keep turning and rest assured that nothing can prevent you from reaching your next milestone if you stay focused, determined and keep an open heart.

You are God's perfect creation and nothing you could have said or done can change this fact. So the next time you fret over the small things, instead, start viewing yourself for who you truly are. You are a parade of stars that crashed into a small physical body. Isn't this overwhelming and magnificient at the same time? 

Let your heart shine because it holds the potential of igniting trillions of sparks in this world...and it only takes one to revive the flame in someone.

Text © 2016 Vincent Alexandre

Image © Can Stock Photo Inc. / kevron2001

You Are Boundless Love

You are not a gender nor a sexual orientation. You are not even a body. You are Boundless Love. You are a blend of masculine and feminine energies, embodying a male or female body in this lifetime. Our society has taught us of the love between a man and a woman – which is a beautiful thing – but let’s not forget that this same pure essence also manifests in any way, shape or form, such as a loving relationship between two men or two women.

Your romantic and sexual preferences, if any, have been determined before your incarnation for specific purposes. If you think that this idea is unconceivable and against nature, ask yourself how does it make you feel inside to hold such judgement? As you do, you will notice the feelings of constriction and heaviness in your stomach and heart, which are very far from love. That is always your indicator of what is alignment with your Higher Self and what is not.

You might also want to review your beliefs about monogamous relationships, including the ‘’need’’ for marriage. While some people may find happiness there, not everybody has to follow the same mould nor has the same needs. We need to drop the labels and stop condemning God’s will for each and every one us.

When we judge another, we are in fact opposing God’s perfect creation, and that is the product of inner turmoil. This means that there are still parts of ourselves stuck in denial, seeking their way back to the light. When we embrace all of those parts, we are then free to experience the wholeness of our Being that some desperately seek outside themselves.

Ultimately, all is God’s creation and carries its Sacred Flame. One is not more or less Divine because of who they are attracted to and what kind of relationships they choose to invest themselves in. Be open to explore all that which you are – that untamable torrent of love that is not bound by any of the old programming of the dark ages.

And remember, as long as you act with love, you can never go wrong.

Text © 2016 Vincent Alexandre

Image © Can Stock Photo Inc. / Nejron

Overcoming Opposition and Following Your Path to Bliss

When you follow your Divine path with passion and speak your truth confidently, as beautiful and inspiring the journey is, it can sometimes stir insecurities inside people who have closed themselves to the magic of life a long time ago...

They might then feel the need to voice out loud their opposition, invalidate your journey and argue to prove their point.

Use this as an opportunity to cultivate stillness and presence within yourself, Dear One. Let them be and bless them even when they’ve been hurtful to your gifted Soul and sensitive heart. Remember that their reaction is egoic and that is never Truth. 

The ego always seeks to distract us from our essence, and when we are not aware of how it works, it controls us with lies and judgements and keeps us in denial of our Divine Nature. 

Others will resist and fear what they cannot comprehend. It does not mean that you did something wrong. What it means is that you've allowed yourself to view the world in grand and magnificient ways. You've opened up your heart to your greater potential and this can be very unsettling, even threatening to those who have chosen to shut their minds.

Whether you are struggling with a member of your family, a friend or a colleague, make the effort to welcome them with unconditional love. Love is the miracle force that transforms. If they still truly cannot respect who you are, at least you will be able to leave with a peaceful heart.

Take heart, as all of this is just a reminder that what you do is very much needed by the world and you are to pursue on your path with grace, knowing that God and all the benevolent Light Beings of the Universe support you in your endeavours. If each of us decided to walk freely towards our highest aspirations, this world would change radically in a short amount of time. You know what to do now, the power lies in you.

Text © 2016 Vincent Alexandre

Image © Can Stock Photo Inc. / CreativeNature