You are not a gender nor a sexual orientation. You are not even a body. You are Boundless Love. You are a blend of masculine and feminine energies, embodying a male or female body in this lifetime. Our society has taught us of the love between a man and a woman – which is a beautiful thing – but let’s not forget that this same pure essence also manifests in any way, shape or form, such as a loving relationship between two men or two women.
Your romantic and sexual preferences, if any, have been determined before your incarnation for specific purposes. If you think that this idea is unconceivable and against nature, ask yourself how does it make you feel inside to hold such judgement? As you do, you will notice the feelings of constriction and heaviness in your stomach and heart, which are very far from love. That is always your indicator of what is alignment with your Higher Self and what is not.
You might also want to review your beliefs about monogamous relationships, including the ‘’need’’ for marriage. While some people may find happiness there, not everybody has to follow the same mould nor has the same needs. We need to drop the labels and stop condemning God’s will for each and every one us.
When we judge another, we are in fact opposing God’s perfect creation, and that is the product of inner turmoil. This means that there are still parts of ourselves stuck in denial, seeking their way back to the light. When we embrace all of those parts, we are then free to experience the wholeness of our Being that some desperately seek outside themselves.
Ultimately, all is God’s creation and carries its Sacred Flame. One is not more or less Divine because of who they are attracted to and what kind of relationships they choose to invest themselves in. Be open to explore all that which you are – that untamable torrent of love that is not bound by any of the old programming of the dark ages.
And remember, as long as you act with love, you can never go wrong.
Text © 2016 Vincent Alexandre
Image © Can Stock Photo Inc. / Nejron
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