The Freedom to Choose Authentically

I believe with all my heart and soul that we should all have the freedom to be who we truly are, as long as we are not seeking to cause harm. The reason why this life seems so dark to me oftentimes, is that I see people in bondage, because of the beliefs that still plague our world. The bondage, oftentimes, is quite subtle. It's subtle enough to make us question our sanity, especially when we want to follow our authenticity.

For the beings like you and I who came here to change things for the better, it happens that we face resistance. That resistance may seem like anger or even hatred at first, but truly, it is fear. People are afraid to see the foundation of their convinctions crumble.

I have reached a point in my life where I'd rather let things crumble than force myself to be fake to fit a certain mould. Some will say that it is irresponsible, and it might be on some level, but my aversion to superficiality is getting stronger, and my will to force things to happen, thinner. What's even more strange to me at this stage, is that this process seems to unfold naturally, like my soul is taking the lead and carrying me through the currents of life. It does feel uncomfortable to release the resistance, but holding on to the fear is toxic. Better flow with the Universe, than build a barrage against it, for the power of Heaven is stronger than our ego's will.

Life is a learning process and nobody came here with all the answers, we have to uncover them as we progress. The frustrating part is the grey areas. It seems like spiritual teachings often contradict each other, and when this happens, it's hard to know which path to take. Furthermore, there are often many factors involved into making a decision. What I've noticed though, is that we must do our best to keep our frame of mind as light as possible, otherwise we get lost in the chatter of the mind.

We all have our own personality, outlook and background, and depending on what they are, we will react differently to a given situation. I think it is best to release judgements, because in the end, nobody is perfect and we all have unique journeys. We can't compare two people's lives, because what is right for someone, might not be what is needed for the other.

I hope that these words will encourage new thoughts and ideas within you, that will help you to find the answers you are seeking.

Text (C) 2017 Vincent Alexandre

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