Letting Your Emotions Breathe to Hear Your Inner Wisdom

We often hear ''listen to your gut'', and yes, there is some truth in this. The intent behind that statement is pure, however, it depends what ''your gut'' means to you. I believe that we need to look at this matter from a broader perspective. It is important to listen to your Divine guidance, and not confuse it with your fears. Don't solely rely on your ''gut'' for the truth, as it is already busy digesting things.

What I mean is that if I were to literally ''listen to my gut'' for every little thing, I would probably not do much in life. I would be stopped by fear all the time. The moment I have a doubt about something, it triggers a negative emotion, and my gut tells me that ''something is off''. ''Off'' does not necessarily mean ''wrong''. It could also mean that the element I am questioning is misunderstood by the mind, which creates confusion.

To make decisions, the best way I have found is to ask the question to our own Divine intelligence, and allow time to pass. That way, our emotions have time to breathe, and we are not guided by fear. It becomes easier to hear/feel our intuition correctly. If you're like me and have an ego that likes to play tricks on you at times, praying and asking for clear and specific signs is also a great way to receive validation. I insist on the word ''specific'', so that the sign is easily noticeable and understandable.

Text (C) 2017 Vincent Alexandre

In my audio course entitled ''Keys of Freedom: Liberation Through the Heart'', I discuss how to develop your intuition more deeply, as well as eight other themes that will help you to reclaim spiritual sovereignty.. ''Keys of Freedom'' is designed to help you achieve an empowered state of being, and aligning with a vibration that is more authentic to who you are becoming, to who you want to be. If you are ready to clear lives of negative programming and open up more and more to your spiritual gifts, please visit: www.vincealexandre.wixsite.com/keys-of-freedom.

The Freedom to Choose Authentically

I believe with all my heart and soul that we should all have the freedom to be who we truly are, as long as we are not seeking to cause harm. The reason why this life seems so dark to me oftentimes, is that I see people in bondage, because of the beliefs that still plague our world. The bondage, oftentimes, is quite subtle. It's subtle enough to make us question our sanity, especially when we want to follow our authenticity.

For the beings like you and I who came here to change things for the better, it happens that we face resistance. That resistance may seem like anger or even hatred at first, but truly, it is fear. People are afraid to see the foundation of their convinctions crumble.

I have reached a point in my life where I'd rather let things crumble than force myself to be fake to fit a certain mould. Some will say that it is irresponsible, and it might be on some level, but my aversion to superficiality is getting stronger, and my will to force things to happen, thinner. What's even more strange to me at this stage, is that this process seems to unfold naturally, like my soul is taking the lead and carrying me through the currents of life. It does feel uncomfortable to release the resistance, but holding on to the fear is toxic. Better flow with the Universe, than build a barrage against it, for the power of Heaven is stronger than our ego's will.

Life is a learning process and nobody came here with all the answers, we have to uncover them as we progress. The frustrating part is the grey areas. It seems like spiritual teachings often contradict each other, and when this happens, it's hard to know which path to take. Furthermore, there are often many factors involved into making a decision. What I've noticed though, is that we must do our best to keep our frame of mind as light as possible, otherwise we get lost in the chatter of the mind.

We all have our own personality, outlook and background, and depending on what they are, we will react differently to a given situation. I think it is best to release judgements, because in the end, nobody is perfect and we all have unique journeys. We can't compare two people's lives, because what is right for someone, might not be what is needed for the other.

I hope that these words will encourage new thoughts and ideas within you, that will help you to find the answers you are seeking.

Text (C) 2017 Vincent Alexandre

How to Break Through Negative Thinking

Have you ever found yourself in a cycle of negative thoughts and it seemed as though you would never be able to get out of it? Maybe it was about something specific or about life in general. We have all been there and the truth is, to keep a positive attitude is everyday work.
Truth of the matter is, our vibration is a major determinant. I came to understand that we are energy beings first and foremost. Before incarnating in a physical body, we existed in energy form and we still do. It's just that we decided to experience a different form for a little while, because we knew we could learn and teach many things, and that this would lead to our individual soul's growth, as well as a shift in collective energy.
Here are some ways I have identified to change my mindset from negative to positive, and I hope it will help and inspire you to make positive progress as well.

Do Not Judge Yourself
It is very important to understand that we all do the best that we can, and we must learn to love ourselves unconditionally instead of judging ourselves. In my experience, judging ourselves leads to shame and guilt, which attracts more of the same lower vibrational patterns. When we take a step back and adopt a loving attitude towards ourselves, things start to change. We tune into a nurturing energy that supports us to focus on what is pure and good within us and around us.
Say Positive Affirmations
Make a list of affirmations that make you feel good and that are in alignment with how you want to be. Say them in present tense to set the energies in motion. When you start doing this, you might feel that you are ''faking it'' or that you are being inauthentic. This is all negative stuff that you seek to transcend. Stay in awareness, not in reaction, as much as possible. Use your list as often as possible, I recommend at least once in the morning and in the evening before going to bed. After a while, you will see that your vision will have changed for the better.

Channel Your Creative Energies Differently
We all have creative energies. When we are in alignment with our clarity, it becomes easy to use them for the greater good. However, when do not feel in harmony, we tend to use these energies in ways that are not optimal, such as addiction, because we seek to fill a void that can only be filled with God's Love. Find a new passion or tap into your existing passions to find a renewed sense of passion for life. It could be: music, poetry, dancing, singing, writing, volunteering, and so on. When you are focused on that which brings life in and around you, you become less distracted.
Exercise and Eat Well
I know, it can be a difficult part, but it is necessary nonetheless. Do something that makes you feel good and that you can easily do. For example, go for a walk at your favorite park and listen to music that makes you feel good, that motivates you. It's an easy way of making exercise fun. We feel so much better afterwards too. In regards to food, you could start for example by making one small change at a time, so that you don't get discouraged.
Breathe Deeply
It is something that we too often forget to do in our busy lives, but deep breathing helps us to ground and to be more at peace. Our presence sits more comfortably and we are able to navigate through life with more ease. When I take the time to do breathing exercises, I like to breathe slowly and deeply through my nose and into my belly until I reach full capacity, and then breathe out, and start again for a few times. So refreshing.
Clear Negative Attachments
Negative attachments can take place in relationships where the intents are not pure, or with material objects if we obsess over having certain things. It can also happen etherically. As I said before, we are energy beings before being humans. If we stick in a lower vibration, we are more prone to attract all kinds of negative energies, such as negative entities (yes they do exist!) These entities, when not cleared, can instill fear-based thoughts in the mind of the person affected. Fortunately, such occurrences are only temporary, but It is important that we do a ritual each day to keep our energy field light and bright. One way of doing this is calling upon Archangel Michael to do the cleansing for us. We can also use affirmations specifically designed to raise our vibration and clear negative attachments such as: ''I now elevate my vibration to the level of God's Unconditional Love and Light'' or ''I clear any fear-based attachment I might have with any lower vibrational entity or being, now''.
Gemstones and Essential Oils
Gemstones (or crystals) and essential oils are awesome to help us maintain a pure vibration. There is a ton of info on them all over the web, so you can research them and choose specific ones based on your needs. You could also go to a shop that sells them and use your intuition to find the ones that make a positive shift in your energy when you interact with them.
Gratitude has the power to move mountains and change things for the better. When you start looking for the things that make you happy and that are already present in your life, it is easier to become a vibrational match to the things you desire. Your mind and emotions are powerful tools, so I encourage you to use them in uplifting and positive ways.
No matter what is going on in or around you - pray! Ask God to provide you with the faith, courage and inner power needed to move forward confidently and peacefully. He will answer your call.
I hope that these tips will be most helpful. Don't hesitate to share this article with your friends as well and spread the love!
© 2017 Vincent Alexandre

When Monogamous Relationships Don't Cut It

Last night, I watched a show on television where different people talked about their views on romantic relationships: what makes a relationship good, how to make it last, how to overcome struggles and so on...

It made me question myself as to my own views in regards to romantic relationships and also made me reflect at the evolution of my opinion throughout the years. And I have to say that, for me, a lot has changed.

I grew up with the model of couples who get married and stick together all their lives. My parents met during their teenage years and have been married for 20 something years now. My grandparents on both sides stayed together as well. And I remember of dreaming. at a young age, about the day I was going to get married. I thought of it as the most beautiful day that would happen in my life. That was, until, about four years ago.

You see, a lot has changed for me in the past four years. The main change, was my sudden spiritual awakening in the beginning of 2013, and the whole process that it initiated. A process of introspection, of soul-searching. A few heartbreaks and deceptions as well, here I am at 23 years old, single and asking myself what do I really want out of a romantic relationship. Is it even what I want right now?

And the answer to this is yes, I want a romantic relationship in my life. Whether it happens now or in five years. But the main thing that has changed for me, is that I have learned to become independant and I no longer feel the need to possess anyone. What I mean by that is that I want connection, but I don't want attachment.

Image from: www.pixabay.com (Gerd Altmann, username: geralt)
I crave a special love that feels safe, that is delightful, that helps me grow, that is reassuring, that is passionate, that is understanding, that adds to my life in a positive way, but I don't want to have to renounce to my freedom, and I would personally find absurd to impose someone to renounce to theirs. 

I have identified that two of my biggest needs in life are freedom and love. And I tell myself, why the heck could they not co-exist?

And my conclusion is that there can't possibly be a mould that fits everyone. We need to try and experience in order to find what really suits our soul.

So if you are happy in a monogamous relationship and it makes you grow, great! The same goes if you're single and it satisfies you, nothing wrong with that! And if you want to experience an open or a polyamorous relationship, there shouldn't be anything or anyone stopping you, as long as all partners rejoice.

To me, real love is not about expectations, vows and promises, although they can be a path leading to growth. To me, unconditional love, is about letting it happen, letting it flow freely, knowing that no matter what tomorrow brings, once love exists between two beings, it lives forever. It may transform over time, but it is never lost.

(C) 2016 Vincent Alexandre

Not A ''Sinner''

I don't like the word ''sinner'' or the concept of ''sin''. It implants the false idea that we are not loved as we are, and perpetuates a cycle of not feeling good enough, which leads us to a feeling of disconnection from our essence. When we feel disconnected within, we tend to seek filling the void, often with lower-vibrational tendencies, patterns and behaviors. It's a vicious cycle.

What about learning and practicing Self-Love instead, in the midst of our various aspects? Why not simply being yourself and making your genuine and best effort to be kind with yourself and others on a daily basis? How much better would your life get if you stopped thinking that you are flawed and in need of repair? When you make the conscious choice to accept yourself, you still can make positive changes as you see fit, but it will come from a place of already loving yourself, instead of doing it to fit a certain mould, or to meet expectations of conditional love.

The fact of the matter is that we are unconditionally loved by our Creator and Unconditional Love is what we are. We just forgot it temporarily for the purpose of learning lessons on this planet.

I have observed that changing for the better, is something that happens when we are in the flow of Life. It's like a natural effect of being in acceptance and comfortable with who we are and our various aspects. It is less about forcing anything, because forcing something to happen is a vibration of resistance - an opposition to the vibration of healing.

Acceptance of who we are clears guilt, shame and various other lower frequencies, thoughts and emotions that tie us up in dependance. Acceptance of who we are is a key unlocking the prison, so that our new found Freedom enables us to live by choice and not by chance or default. It helps us to feel more satisfied in our lives.

We think that we must ''rebuke'' the enemy, but I believe that what we are fighting against comes from within. In other words, I believe that our ''demons'' are self-reflections and that the more we can learn to cradle our various parts, the more whole, balanced and at peace we will feel.

Resist the urge of judging everything you see and feel, and live more from the stillness of your Soul.

(C) 2016 Vincent Alexandre

Image by: Okan Caliskan (Activedia), pixabay.com

The Next Big Step to Your Evolution is the Balancing of Your Sexual Energies

''The next big step to your evolution is the balancing of your sexual energies''...

One day, I heard that sentence in my mind and I thought: ''That's not crazy at all...''

We live in a time and space where we have lost the true meaning of sexuality. We have forgotten the sacredness of this act and have traded it for nothing more than ''fast food''. I once read somewhere : «With sex becoming easier to get, love is harder to find» or something along those lines. How it resonated with my heart... Sexuality is natural, desire is natural, but when we are not balanced within, we do not express them in a healthy way in our lives.

The truth is, with so many choices on the ''menu'', we experience quantity at the detriment of quality. From dating websites, to dating apps, to pornography and sex chatrooms, we are only two clicks away from a dependance that starts innocently in the comfort of our homes. But where does this ''pull'' to darkness comes from?

Let's go back to our childhood, to the first time where our parents invalidated us in some way. It might have been a big or a smaller thing and in most cases, they didn't even mean to do harm, they did the absolute best they could at that time. Yet, as children, pure beings of light with hearts so wide, we got confused and memorized the hurt of this abandonment. A wound was created and started to feed off from more pain. Later, maybe we got excluded or laughed at by other students or by a teacher in high school, for example.

It's also around that same time that we started to discover our body, our sexuality and how good it felt to escape through an orgasm for a couple of seconds – a feeling of exhilaration and pure bliss and a reminiscence of unconditional love. However, as the cycle of victimization continued on a personal level, and the wound got deeper, something strange happened in our chemistry and a connection was made. We got hooked to the rush of getting hurt, sexually and emotionally. It validated the false belief we held about ourselves of ''not being good enough''. A five-second orgasm for a lifetime of pain, a thrill stronger than cocaine.

The fantasies got wilder, to the point where they were almost insatiable. And what was hiding behind it? The root cause of it all? It was that wound. And it's the same thing for those who victimize others sexually. It's the same wound expressed differently. 

But what are we truly seeking in those meaningless interactions? To escape the pain by inflicting more pain, either to ourselves or others, because it's the only way we have known to love and to be loved, when in the end, all that we want is to feel accepted. A kind of love that we can only give to ourselves and that will eventually heal the wounding. Yet, the irony is that we keep fishing for the attention of somebody else and it perpetuates the cycle of suffering.

What will you do to love and honor yourself today? The next big step to your evolution is the balancing of sexual energies. Remember that. Take that first step that will lead you to the fulfilment of your destiny.

Text © 2016 Vincent Alexandre

Image © Can Stock Photo Inc. / Wisky

From Stains to Artistry

You - yes you. In case you are still beating yourself up over the last mistake you made, I want to remind you to stop being so harsh on yourself. Yes, you are a human being and yes, your attempts at something new aren't always a success. A beautiful tragedy isn't it?

The human adventure is so vast and rich. We get to experience the two polarities of existence to whichever extent is required for our Soul's growth. But when you find
yourself in a black pit of self-sabotaging thoughts because of the could, should and would have beens, try to reflect upon this...

You wrote the big book of your life before coming here on Earth and you still hold the pen as you experience your story in the physical realm. Although the paragraphs may differ from the original plan based on your actions, the chapters cannot be altered. Those chapters represent your lessons to be learned, the soul agreements you've made with others and the life missions you've agreed to take on. 

Don't be so critical of yourself when you scribble in the margins a little bit. Amend yourself where you can, forgive yourself and others and love the experience profoundly, for this is how you transform stains into artistry. The pages will keep turning and rest assured that nothing can prevent you from reaching your next milestone if you stay focused, determined and keep an open heart.

You are God's perfect creation and nothing you could have said or done can change this fact. So the next time you fret over the small things, instead, start viewing yourself for who you truly are. You are a parade of stars that crashed into a small physical body. Isn't this overwhelming and magnificient at the same time? 

Let your heart shine because it holds the potential of igniting trillions of sparks in this world...and it only takes one to revive the flame in someone.

Text © 2016 Vincent Alexandre

Image © Can Stock Photo Inc. / kevron2001